microdosing mdma

What is Microdosing MDMA?

Microdosing MDMA is taking a very small dose of the drug to produce subtle effects. People have been turning to tiny amounts of MDMA to reap its potential rewards without having to deal with the intense effects that larger doses bring. The typical microdose consists of anywhere from 5-15mg, far less than what would be taken for recreational use or traditional therapy sessions. Microdosing MDMA can provide users with improved moods, increased focus and creativity, and enhanced empathy towards others.

Microdosing is consuming a small quantity of any substance for an extended period to attain the desired outcome, avoiding taking large amounts at once. This method allows individuals to experience the positive aspects while avoiding potential risks with larger doses. Regarding MDMA specifically, this means taking only a fraction (5-15mg) instead of the 100+ milligrams typically used recreationally or therapeutically in one sitting.

Usually when we think of MDMA, Molly’s, Ecstasy, or Methamphetamine in the context of toxicology, we think of poisoning and overdose.  This blog is about the opposite, the treatment of depression and anxiety with very low doses of these methamphetamine-derived substances.  And the results have been surprising good.

Here’s an article that describes the process and the science behind it.

MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy Provides Lasting Benefit for PTSD

Adding 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), also known as ecstasy, to intensive psychotherapy can significantly mitigate symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), new research confirms.

One month after MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, 43% of patients no longer met criteria for PTSD, and 12 months after MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, 76% of participants no longer had PTSD, according to results of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—regulated phase 2 clinical trial.

“The long-term results are the most significant finding from this latest trial, the largest ever completed of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD,” Brad Burge, director of strategic communications for the nonprofit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), which funded the study, told Medscape Medical News.

“The finding that about three quarters of participants no longer had PTSD a full year after receiving their last treatment with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy suggests that the treatment is not just ameliorating symptoms and is instead addressing the root cause of PTSD — specifically, a person’s inner relationship with their past traumatic experiences,” said Burge.

This treatment has the potential to “greatly improve the lives of people suffering from PTSD, regardless of the source of their trauma,” lead investigator Marcela Ot’alora, of Aguazul-Bluewater, Inc, Boulder, Colorado, added in a news release.

“After treatment, a great majority of our participants have reported feeling more connected to themselves and to others, more joy, more compassion, and with new skills for facing life’s challenges,” Ot’alora noted.

Some users have suggested that taking a microdose of MDMA can result in heightened clarity and emotional balance, potentially enabling them to focus on their daily tasks. Lastly, due to its milder effects compared to other drugs such as cocaine or LSD, there are fewer chances for abuse if taken responsibly according to dosage guidelines provided by professionals who specialize in psychedelic medicine research.

Microdosing MDMA is a relatively new trend in the psychedelic and cannabis community that has been gaining traction due to its potential therapeutic benefits. It is essential to consider the potential hazards before engaging in microdosing MDMA. Now let us explore how one can go about safely microdosing MDMA.

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